Basic information in english

The Historical Commission

The Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (HiKo) was founded in 1858 and is located in Munich.

HiKo is a self-governing organization, with Gerrit Walther as its president and Bernhard Löffler as secretary. The commission currently has a total of 43 members, all scholars from universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Its strategic decisions are made at annual meetings.

The Historical Commission’s long-term research is organized into departments. Around 30 researchers are currently on staff, 20 of them with permanent contracts. The commission’s administration is located together with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities at its Munich site. HiKo is mainly financed by the Free State of Bavaria, while also receiving third-party funding for projects.

Basic Historical Research

The commission’s activities focus chiefly on scholarly editions of source material from the Middle Ages to contemporary history (e.g. documents of the Imperial German Diet, documents of the Reich Chancellery, the National Socialist regime 1933-1945) as a basis for further historical research.

Biographical Research

Its second area of focus lies in biographical research. HiKo cooperates with the Bavarian State Library to run Deutsche Biographie (comparable to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography), the largest academic source of reliable biographical information in the German-speaking world.

Digital Humanities

HiKo has also been involved in the field of digital humanities for a number of years. Its academic staff uses and develops digital methods and tools to this end (Oxydition).

Quellen zur Geschichte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches

Forschungsschwerpunkt und Team

2015 hat die Historische Kommission auf Initiative von Helmut Neuhaus die Abteilung „Quellen zur Geschichte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches“ etabliert. Als erstes Werk ist in dieser Abteilung 2015 die von Wolfgang Burgdorf bearbeitete Edition der „Wahlkapitulationen der römisch-deutschen Könige und Kaiser von 1519 bis 1792“ erschienen. Der Band ist gleichzeitig im Druck und als kostenfreies E-Book (V&R eLibrary) erschienen. Weitere Editionen aus dem Bereich der Geschichte des Heiligen Römischen Reiches werden in loser Folge in die Abteilung aufgenommen.

Vgl. Heinz Duchhardt (Hg.), Wahlkapitulationen in Europa. Göttingen 2015 (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission 95), 172 Seiten, EUR 54,99 ISBN 978 3 525 36086 6


Prof. Dr. Helmut Neuhaus


Fichtestr. 46
91054 Erlangen





Band 2: Publicum und Secretum. Die Diarien Gerlach Adolph von Münchhausens vom Frankfurter Wahltag 1741/1742

Bibliographische Angaben

Helmut Neuhaus (Hg.), bearbeitet von Sébastien Schick und Hannes Ziegler, Göttingen 2023, 353 Seiten, geb. EUR 80,00
ISBN: 978-3-525-30237-8


Band 1: Die Wahlkapitulationen der römisch-deutschen Könige und Kaiser 1519-1792

Bibliographische Angaben

Heinz Duchhardt (Hg.), bearbeitet von Wolfgang Burgdorf, Göttingen 2015, 884 S., geb. EUR 110,-
ISBN: 978-3-525-36082-8

Digitale Version

V&R eLibrary